One of the biggest challenges customer experience managers face today is convincing the executive teams that investments in CX activities will create a return. With our guest Olga Guseva, we will discuss how you can prove the value of your CX efforts connected with your NPS score through a practical example. We will show different CX metrics and how to build a system that will work for you business and help you prove ROI in CX.

Meetup: Optimizacija HR Procesov

Gostje bodo predstavili področja optimizacije in digitalizacije HRM procesov, ki med drugim zajemajo kadrovski, registracijski in plačni informacijski sistem. Spregovorili bodo o tem, kako pomemben je človeški faktor pri kreiranju novih, optimalnih operativnih in digitalnih rešitev na področju HR. Univerzalne rešitve ni in sogovorci bodo razložili, kako pomembna je prilagoditev rešitev in novih sistemov vsakemu podjetju posebej in celotnim procesom v tem podjetju.

Meetup: SUSTAINABILITY AS THE FUTURE OF THE BUSINESS: Ways to improve sustainability in your organization

Are you an organization, already evolving in the field of sustainability, and would you like to add this area to your business strategy? Did you already work on these initiatives and would like to get acknowledgment and new ideas that you are on the right path? Join us in our online meetup with international and local guests and get some useful insight.

Meetup: HR Role in Transforming Organizations

Learn, how you can contribute to the transformation of your company into a more agile organization! Get acquainted with new ways of working that are rapidly replacing old models concerning people, strategy, and processes! Agile mindsets, methods, and tools are needed to successfully transform the way businesses and people operate. Understand how can you respond to the changing needs of employees and customers, deliver value faster, and start co-building a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.


Get the knowledge and skills on how to transform companies into agile ones! Explore practical tools, templates and methods you can apply directly to your own projects. Start your agile journey right after the training with the international ICP AHR certificate!


Get the knowledge and skills on how to transform companies into agile ones! Explore practical tools, templates and methods you can apply directly to your own projects. Start your agile journey right after the training with the international ICP AHR certificate!


How can HR be the initiator of agility in an organization? What are the competencies and the steps needed in order to change a company into a more agile one? Top speakers and guests will show you real cases and best practices how you can transform your culture and the way you work!